Iniciativa privada de un grupo de empresarios emprendedores Bolivianos, que intuyeron la necesidad de promover las inversiones y oportunidades de negocios con carácter multisectorial y multicultural, a través de una plataforma de negocios de vinculación empresarial en Washington DC de los Estados Unidos de América, como un medio ideal para establecer contactos comerciales y económicos internacionales.
Reunir una variedad de negocios en la región anglosajona y de Bolivia para brindar la oportunidad de crear una cartera de nuevos contactos empresariales.
- Los negocios tendrán la oportunidad de exponer sus productos a clientes potenciales y al público en general.
- Participación masiva de la comunidad boliviana, hispana y anglosajona, para apoyar con su asistencia le dará el éxito a este evento GRATUITO al público.

Artists in the middle of painting and sculpture, acting, singing, dancing and writers, together with all the artistic genre will meet to show their works and talents in the multi-ethnic event.

Bolivian artists and embroiderers will meet to showcase their handcrafted works and reach out to the consumer market which are mainly artistic and folkloric fraternities.

Bolivian cuisine will be present to be tasted by all attendees. Professional chefs and the most renowned Bolivian restaurants in the area. Our intention in the field of Gastronomy is to exhibit and offer Bolivian ancestral food among other things.

Young professionals with new ideas and advanced methodology, novel applications, inventions with waste, computer systems, drones, robotics, and more.
Real Estate

Large real-estate companies and builders specialized in offering different housing options for those who wish to acquire goods and financial opportunities in Bolivia and the United States.

The fair aims to attract the greatest diversity of buyers and businesses where real-estate agents can offer homes and commercial properties to large facilities and the sale of secure properties, customer products, banking transactions, foreign trade, import and export organizations will be invited.

The logistics of this event will be carefully operated, we seek participation and collaboration of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Montgomery, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New York and the advice of MLM productions and other operational entities.